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The Anatomy and Functions of Door Jambs

July 29, 2022

A door is a barrier between the inside and the outside world. Outside dust and bacteria are redirected away from you. No matter what kind of house you live in, you'll always have doors that let you come and go as you like. To avoid being reported for trespass, guests must first get permission from the property's owners before they may do anything at all. Doors are a fundamental feature of every home. We're ready to wager that you've never seen a home with only one way in and out. Every construction has a door, and every dwelling has a door.

It's only right to talk about an important aspect of your house that's crucial to the security of your entrances and yet goes mostly ignored. We're speaking of door jambs here. They, like all other house components, have a specific function and should be of the highest quality.

What Material Are Door Jambs Typically Constructed Of?

Many homes have doors made of wood; therefore, it seems to reason that the jamb itself would likewise be constructed out of wood. Once work on the home has begun, it is much simpler to make adjustments and attach the door to its frame thanks to this. It should not be inferred that the jambs will always be constructed from wood. As it turns out, galvanised steel is the material of choice for contemporary door jambs.

You may believe that galvanising the jamb would be pointless because it's just a frame, and that the door is the primary component that protects your home and valuables from outside intruders. However, think about this: if the steel jamb were to rust or be eroded, wouldn't you think that it would weaken the overall composition of your doorway? Galvanizing the jamb is a cost-effective way to prevent these problems. After all, you are putting a door in your house so that you and your family will be safer. It is more for the essential functionality of the product than for its appearance alone.

What to Do When Door Jambs Need to be Changed?

If your door jamb ever has to be replaced due to damage, you may have to replace the entire door frame. Door jamb replacements aren't always a cinch like replacing a lightbulb. Door jambs are fastened to the main door, anchoring it to the frame and eliminating the need for unsecured hinges. Even if one of these essential components were to be damaged, the entire door jamb may need to be replaced since fitting a new door jamb into an old frame may not provide the same level of security. Metal door jambs may often be fixed in sections using basic cutting and welding techniques. It'll be like having a whole new one. If the entire assembly needs to be replaced, the replacement technique will depend on how it was installed: either metal-screwed or encased in cement. Cutting disc or acetylene can be used to remove ancient door jambs that are entrenched.

Customizing Door Jambs

Several generations earlier, the vast majority of door jambs were crafted from wood. However, thanks to recent advancements, galvanised door jambs are now available, and they can endure any kind of weather. Because of this advancement, it could not be too long until we have the choice of having a door jamb that can be customised. You could even be given alternatives to choose from in terms of the type of jamb and the colour so that it can be tailored to complement the look of the rest of your house.

Door jambs may be found in a variety of styles at Shandfield Doors (single and double rabbet). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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