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Modern Front Door Design Ideas

June 22, 2017

As a homeowner, you may underestimate the impact that a front door has on the aesthetic value of a house. You need to remember that this door area is the first impression that visitors and onlookers receive of your house. The good news is that there are numerous modern front door design ideas available today from which to make your selection from for your home.

Five Suggestions for Your Consideration

1. A Solid Door With or Without Glass Side Panels

One option for a front entrance is a solid door that may or may not contain a design within its interior. You can choose to install this door as is or with a glass panel on one side or on both sides of it. The glass panels are available in clear, frosted, leaded or tinted options.

2. French Doors Make for a Spacious Entryway

With French doors, you create a spacious entrance to your home that is eye-catching while being functional. Since you will have twice the opening with these doors, moving furniture and appliances in and out of the house is easier than with a single door. Also, you can add the side glass panels on each side of the French doors if you so choose to for your home's entrance. The French doors can be solid or in one of the styles that follow in this list.

3. Select a Door That Contains Small, Smooth Glass Panels in a Decorative Pattern

In place of solid doors in either singular or French style, you can select a door that contains small, smooth glass panels in an attractive pattern. A variation of this option is the use of leadlights in place of smooth glass panels. Leadlights add a touch of elegance to any front entryway.

4. Allow the Light Flow in With a Large Glass Pane in the Centre of the Door

Bring the light through your front door in a plentiful fashion with one that contains a large glass panel in the centre of it. This style also works well in French doors if you so desire.

5. A 2-in-1 Door Is another Front Door Option

The 2-in-1 door provides ventilation, security and insect control in an attractive manner by installing a hinged opening panel behind a mesh or wrought iron panel.

For additional modern front door design ideas, consult with Shandfield Doors. We have more than 25 years of experience in designing, constructing and installing various types of exterior and interior doors, including those that are ideal for your front entrance. Our company provides personal, professional, quality services that fulfil your exact specifications.

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