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Enhance the Natural Wood Grain Patterns of Your Front-Entry Door Through Staining

September 26, 2019

Your front-entry door should make a bold statement about your house to all who approach it. However, it also needs to be durable to endure over time as well as highly attractive. Over the centuries, homeowners have turned to timber doors for their main entrance due to their natural grain patterns. Also, they choose to enhance these grain patterns by finishing the doors with wood stain instead of paint. If you are unsure if stain is the right finish for your timber entry door, read the following facts.

Wood Stain Comes in Clear and Various Colours

You have various shades of stain to select from, including clear. Use clear when you want to highlight the natural colouring and grain of the timber in your front door. Turn to a coloured stain when you want to simulate a different wood tone or create a completely unique ambience with a shade that is not that of a natural timber.

Stain Protects Entry Doors from Weather Exposure

An additional purpose for stain is to protect your front door from the effects of weather exposure. Unprotected wood will lose its lustre and ideal condition quickly when exposed to rain, heat, cold temperature and more. The stains today safeguard the timber against this type of issue.

Staining Timber Front Doors Provides Them With a Rich Appearance

Whether stain is clear or in one of the numerous it shades that it is available in, it provides entry doors with a rich, lustrous appearance that paint cannot match since it soaks into the wood rather than just being on its surface. Not only do you enhance the wood between the grain patterns, but you also accentuate the grain itself.

The Grain Patterns Show Through Wood Stain to Add a Special Ambience to Your Timber Entry Door

You may be like other homeowners who consider the wood grain as decorative as the colour of the door, and the only way to let it shine through in all its glory is with stain. This is yet another reason that stain is the ideal enhancement to bring out the natural wood grain in your timber front-entry door.

For further details about how to enhance the natural wood in your front door with stain, consult with Shandfield Doors. We specialise in manufacturing quality front doors, internal doors, two-in-one doors and leadlight doors. You will receive a superior front-entry door or any other type of door that we provide backed with our guarantee of satisfaction. After we learn the specifics of your needs, we will issue you a quote for your consideration.

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