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Differences between Hinged, Sliding, and Bi-Folding Doors

August 28, 2017

Wherever you may be in the world, doors will always be an essential part of any residential structure. Now, while doors serve only one specific purpose – that being to provide ingress and egress, there is a wide assortment of door types to choose from, each with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. If you are a householder who is very keen on details, knowing the right type of doors to have in your home can be advantageous, but it can also get confusing when it comes to making a final decision.

After all, a door is a door? Actually, not all doors are made the same, nor are they set for the exact same purpose as any other. If you are curious about some of the basic door types, here are some differences you should know that will help you to make the best choice:

Hinged doors – these are the standard doors that you find everywhere. Easy to install, reliable, hardy, and so popular that it comes in a variety of designs and can be made from a wide array of different materials, these are the go-to doors for standard houses and pre-fab structures that require long-lasting doors. The downside to these types of doors is that they can get in the way of décor, and aren’t exactly the epitome of stylish, with regards to a modern or minimalist way.

Sliding doors – the door choice of many Asian cultures, and a standard décor motif of the Japanese and the Ottoman civilizations, the sliding door is a major refinement that ups the ante of doorways to a whole new level. Unlike hinged doors that only open partway, sliding doors are made with a mechanism that allows them to slide aside to allow entry.

This feature also means that it can be opened to a greater or wider degree, allowing for ease of entry for large, often bulky objects – something hinged doors simply cannot accommodate. Because of its wider nature in general, hinged doors can also be more aesthetically ornate or elegant than are hinged doors, depending on the material it is made out of.

Bi-folding doors – bi-folding doors are basically multiple hinged doors that functioned like sliding doors in the respect that these allow for greater space for ingress and egress, but which are not as compact as the latter. These basically folded into what looks like a pair of bellows. Bi-folding doors were very popular in Italian and Spanish-influenced areas, and still are to this day.

Depending on your favoured design and need, and your budget, any of these doors will suffice to provide durable, long-lasting and dependable entrances for your home.

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