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5 Things to Consider When Replacing Your Front Door

July 27, 2018

Here at Shandfield Doors, we understand how important it is to make sure that our customers are armed with the proper knowledge they need before making any decisions regarding their home or business. Today, we are going to be focusing on the most important door for your home or business: your front door. At some point in your life, you will likely need to have your front door replaced. When that time comes, you need to take some time in order to make sure you properly consider all of the important aspects of replacing your door. Let's jump right into this discussion so that you can find the right front door for your needs.

Replacing Your Front Door: 5 Things to Consider

Whether you are replacing a door that is simply ugly or replacing a door that is no longer secure, you need to make sure that your next front door is an upgrade. The front door of your property is more than just an entrance, it is the first impression that your home offers to visitors. We're going to delve deep into this topic so that you can pick the right door for your needs while armed with all of the necessary knowledge. Here are 5 things to consider when replacing your front door.

  1. Material Build - When replacing your front door, you need to make a choice regarding the materials that you are going to use. Typically, your exterior door will be made of wood, fibreglass or metal. Each material offers an array of different benefits.
  2. Locking Mechanism - With a new door being installed, you need to take a moment to address any potential security changes for your door. Do you want to re-install your old lock? Do you want to upgrade your system to a keyless lock? Whatever decision you make, take some time to think it over.
  3. Visual Design - Front doors are the first impression that your home will offer a visitor, so make sure that you take some time to get the visual design to your comfort level. The visual aesthetics of your door will embrace the concept of colour, frame design, material build and any potential decals.
  4. Your Budget - There are a variety of different types of door options available to you, but they won't all sit at the same price. Take a moment to assess your budget before making a purchase.
  5. Privacy - Finally, your door needs to be functional as well as private. Pay attention to the size of a potential window while also deciding between hazy glass and clear glass.

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